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EHS Software: User Friendly, Flexible, AI Integrated

All the EHS Software Tools You Need for Safety & Compliance in One Place. Turn-key AI enabled EH&S Suite that takes the manual work out of EHS compliance. 

AI-Enabled EH&S Suite

AI-Powered Insights and Operations AI Chatbot AI Chatbot

AI integrations + OSHA Regulations, AI enabled compliance assistance, AI enabled risk identification, AI enabled trend analysis, AI enabled creative problem solving.

Compliance, Regulation & Task Management

Compliance Calendar

Compliance Calendar

Organize and manage complex regulation, policy, permit, license, and certification requirements. Automatically assign actions and generate performance reports.

Regulations, Policies & Permits

Regulations, Policies & Permits

Track, monitor and document all necessary regulations, policies, and permits to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

License & Certifications

License & Certifications

Track, monitor, and document all necessary licenses and certifications to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

Task Management

Task Management

Prioritize, assign, track, complete and document all tasks to ensure ongoing compliance. Automated follow-ups keep your team on track and ensure no task is overlooked.

OSHA Reporting

OSHA Reporting

Our integrated OSHA reporting system streamlines compliance by automatically generating OSHA Forms 300 and 300A and preparing data for ITA submission. It also provides automated alerts for timely postings and submissions. This comprehensive approach ensures accurate record-keeping and maintains your organization's compliance.

Incident & Risk Management

Incident Management

Incident Management

User-friendly for all levels, enabling easy reporting, investigation and management of all incident types. The module also allows for the management and reporting of related activities, such as injury management, claim management, and return-to-work processes.

Risk Management

Risk Management

Identify, assess, prioritize, and mitigate all types of risks to safeguard persons, equipment and property.

Audits & Inspections

Audits & Inspections

The Audit and Inspection Module manages the complete audit and inspection life cycle for locations, areas, equipment, and vehicles for both internal and external audits and inspections.

Employee Engagement

Safety Bulletins

Safety Bulletins

Create, distribute, and manage safety bulletins to keep your team informed and compliant. Customize bulletins to address specific safety concerns, incidents, or updates. Track acknowledgments to ensure all employees have received and understood the information. Automated reminders ensure timely dissemination and follow-up, maintaining an informed and safe workplace.

Safety Observations

Safety Observations

User friendly for all levels. Document and track safety observations to proactively address potential hazards. Categorize and analyze observations for trend analysis and targeted mitigation. Assign follow-up actions and monitor their completion to ensure a safe and compliant workplace. Automated notifications keep your team engaged and informed throughout the observation process.

Safety Meetings

Safety Meetings

Document attendance for ad hoc or scheduled safety meetings, ensure consistent messaging, and maintain accountability for task completion.

Safety Training

Safety Training

Efficiently create, organize, assign, manage, and report on safety and compliance training. Meet compliance and regulatory requirements without the costs and challenges of manual, paper-based processes. Automate training, notifications, administration, and reporting to lower program administrative expenses.

Environmental, Social & Governance



Manage, record, track and report on the ESG program. Ensure accurate data collection and analysis for environmental, social, and governance initiatives. Streamline processes and maintain compliance with regulatory standards while demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Analytics & Performance Monitoring

AI Powered Analytics & Trending

AI Powered Analytics & Trending

Leverage AI-powered analytics to improve safety and compliance management. Analyze data to uncover trends and patterns and use the information for effective resource allocation supporting continuous improvement and compliance



Reports present the right data in the right way at the right time. Actionable information that drives results.



Dashboards present the right data in the right way at the right time. Actionable information that drives results.

Mobile App Works Offline

iOS & Android

iOS & Android

Available for both Android and iOS, the mobile app streamlines your daily tasks and enhances productivity. Whether you're completing incidents, conducting inspections, recording observations, or receiving safety bulletins, the app works seamlessly with the website.

AI Enabled EH&S Suite Features

Each module above provides a best practices frame-work and the flexibility to meet the unique EHS compliance needs of your company. High level features list is provided below: AI enabled Chatbot AI enabled Chatbot


Custom Forms & Fields


Configurable Workflows


Task & CAPA Management


Automated Notifications


Roles & Security

Enterprise Management

Enterprise Management

Mobile Access

Mobile Access

E-Learning & Competency Integration

E-Learning & Competency Integration


  • 2010

    Started with Learning Management System.

  • 2011

    Expanded offering to include Online Safety Training with Personalized Learning Paths.

  • 2012

    Expanded Online Safety Training Catalog & Added Course Builder.

  • 2013

    Early stages of EHS system framed out. Initial clients using early version of safety software.

  • 2014

    Incident management module with custom forms, automated task management & workflow automation.

  • 2015

    Audit & inspection module with corrective actions & reporting. Safety meeting management module.

  • 2016

    Dashboard module. Safety Observation module with corrective actions & reporting.

  • 2017

    Site mobile responsive for tablets & phones. Task management module & reporting.

  • 2018

    Redesigned client onboarding with new client facing tools. Client size now ranges from 1 location to hundreds of locations.

  • 2019

    Native mobile app IOS & Android module. Safety bulletin module.

  • 2020

    JHA module with workflow for JHA document review & approvals. Employee JHA sign-off created, assigned & recorded.

  • 2021

    Compliance calendar module. Redesigned look and feel of user interface & modernized software.

  • 2022

    Prep for move to Amazon Web Services Hosting. Researching AI strategy & proof of concept testing. Risk management module.

  • 2023

    Moved to AWS Hosting from Rackspace Hosting. EHS AI Chatbot module for OSHA standards 1910 & 1926. Expanded mobile app to work offline.

  • 2024

    Expanded EHS AI Chatbot to include compliance assistance, risk identification, trending and creative problem solving. Secure API module.

Allen K
Allen K
Safety Engineer

We were new to E-Learning and EHS compliance software and somewhat skeptical that it would work for our company. We have many company specific processes and needs that have evolved over the years. However, has proven to be a big success. Moving away from paper systems has improved how we work and cut expenses.


Technology Partners


Fast Turn-Key Implementation




Personalized Admin Training