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E-Learning Content Catalog

HAZWOPER Safety Training

HAZWOPER: Accidental Release Measures & Spill Cleanup Procedures

  • The Hazard Communication Program
  • The Emergency Response Plan
  • The five levels of HAZWOPER emergency response training
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Site characterization
  • Spill cleanup
  • Decontamination procedures

HAZWOPER: Confined Space Entry

  • Definitions of confined spaces
  • Hazards encountered in confined spaces
  • OSHA's Permit-Space Entry Program
  • Duties and responsibilities of the entry team
  • Atmospheric testing
  • Protecting entrants in hazardous atmospheres
  • The use of lifelines in rescue operations

HAZWOPER: Dealing with the Media in Emergency Situations

  • Establishing a relationship with the media before a crisis occurs
  • The duties and responsibilities of the Public Information Officer (PIO)
  • Early response to the media during an incident
  • Ensuring the safety of the media
  • Unauthorized communication with the media
  • The consequences of rumors and misinformation

HAZWOPER: Decontamination Procedures

  • Safe work practices
  • Engineering controls
  • Personal protective equipment
  • The exclusion zone
  • The contamination reduction zone
  • The contamination reduction corridor
  • Decontamination equipment and solutions
  • Decontamination procedures

HAZWOPER: Electrical Safety in HAZMAT Environments

  • Arcs, sparks and high temperatures
  • The National Electrical Code's three HAZMAT classes
  • Safe work practices
  • Engineering controls
  • Intrinsically safe electrical systems and isolating machinery
  • Purging, inerting and pressurization
  • Confined spaces

HAZWOPER: Emergency Response Plan

  • The purpose of an Emergency Response Plan
  • The Chain of Command
  • Responsibilities of the Incident Commander
  • Responsibilities of the HAZMAT Specialist
  • Responsibilities of the HAZMAT Technician
  • Responsibilities of the First Responder
  • Communication procedures and the buddy system
  • Personal protective equipment

HAZWOPER: Exposure Monitoring & Medical Surveillance

  • Direct-reading instruments
  • Sampling collection devices
  • Site characterization
  • General on-site monitoring
  • Perimeter monitoring and personal monitoring
  • Medical surveillance programs
  • Medical examinations and written medical opinions

HAZWOPER: Fire Prevention

  • The three components of fire
  • Sources of ignition and types of fuel
  • The four classes of fires
  • Approved storage containers
  • Safety measures to take during a chemical spill
  • Using fire extinguishers
  • Evacuation procedures

HAZWOPER: Handling Hazardous Materials

  • Physical hazards
  • Flammables/combustibles/explosives/oxidizers
  • Corrosives and irritants
  • Toxic substances and carcinogens
  • Acute and chronic health effects
  • Container labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
  • Basic first aid for injuries caused by chemicals
  • Emergency response
  • Spillage/leakage/accident procedures


  • Where hazardous materials labels are used
  • OSHA labeling requirements
  • Common labeling systems
  • DOT Hazard Classes, Labels and Placards
  • The Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS)
  • Target organ information labels
  • The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) Labeling System
  • Hazardous waste labels

HAZWOPER: Heat Stress

  • How the body reacts to heat
  • The role of fluids and minerals
  • Preventing heat-related illnesses
  • Heat rash, heat exhaustion and heat stroke
  • Recognizing symptoms
  • First aid
  • Acclimatization

HAZWOPER: Introduction to HAZWOPER Retraining

  • Background of the HAZWOPER Regulations
  • The Site Safety and Health Plan
  • The Emergency Response Plan
  • Site characterization and the site control program
  • Systems of controls and standard operating procedures
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Exposure monitoring
  • Decontamination and Medical Surveillance Programs

HAZWOPER: Medical Surveillance Programs

  • Definition of medical surveillance
  • Medical examinations
  • Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
  • The written medical opinion
  • Medical records

HAZWOPER: Monitoring Procedures and Equipment

  • Detecting hazardous materials
  • Direct-reading monitoring instruments
  • Sampling collection devices
  • Hazards that are "Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health" (IDLH)
  • Confined spaces
  • General on-site monitoring
  • Perimeter, periodic and personal monitoring

HAZWOPER: Personal Protective Equipment

  • The roles of personal protective equipment
  • Level A personal protective equipment
  • Level B personal protective equipment
  • Level C personal protective equipment
  • Level D personal protective equipment
  • PPE and heat stress

HAZWOPER: Personal Protective Equipment & Decontamination Procedures

  • Safe work practices
  • Engineering controls
  • Levels of personal protection
  • Heat stress
  • The need for decontamination
  • The Contamination Reduction Corridor (CRC)

HAZWOPER: Respiratory Protection

  • When respirators are needed
  • Basic types of respirators
  • Classifications of respirator filters
  • Supplied Air Respirators (SARs)
  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBAs)
  • Proper fit-testing of respirators
  • Cleaning and maintenance of respirators

HAZWOPER: Safety Data Sheets in HAZWOPER Environments

  • The importance of Safety Data Sheets when working with hazardous chemicals
  • The SDS's role in the Hazard Communication Standard
  • The advantages of the new SDS format
  • The four basic questions the SDS is designed to answer: What is the material and what are its hazards? What should I do if a problem occurs? What precautions should I take when working with this material?
  • A review of the sections in the SDS

HAZWOPER: Safety Orientation

  • Preparing for working with hazardous materials
  • Avoiding bad mental habits and complacency
  • Working at the right pace
  • Controlling emotions
  • Adjusting to the limitations of personal protective equipment
  • Acquiring information you need to work safely

HAZWOPER: Site Safety and Health Plan

  • Plan guidelines and goals
  • Medical surveillance
  • Job hazard analysis
  • The five levels of training and responsibilities for HAZMAT Emergency Responders
  • Site evaluation
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Spill cleanup procedures
  • Decontamination

HAZWOPER: Understanding Chemical Hazards

  • Chemical hazard concepts
  • Types of hazardous chemicals
  • Characteristics and effects of various types of chemicals
  • The Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  • Container labeling
  • Safe handling practices
  • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Spills and cleanup


  • History of the HAZWOPER regulations
  • Definitions of hazardous chemicals and waste
  • Container labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
  • The Site Safety and Health Plan
  • HAZWOPER training requirements
  • The Site Control Program
  • Monitoring of hazardous substances
  • The Medical Surveillance Program
  • Decontamination

HAZWOPER: Work Practices and Engineering Controls

  • General HAZMAT work practices
  • The Site Safety and Health Plan
  • Responsibilities of the Site Safety and Health Officer
  • General HAZMAT engineering controls
  • Ventilation systems
  • Remote-controlled equipment
  • The use of eyewash stations

HAZWOPER: 8-Hour Annual Retraining Series

  • "Introduction to HAZWOPER Retraining"
  • "Understanding Chemical Hazards"
  • "Personal Protective Equipment and Decontamination Procedures"
  • "Exposure Monitoring and Medical Surveillance"

HAZWOPER: 40-Hour Training Series

  • "Understanding HAZWOPER"
  • "Understanding Chemical Hazards"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"
  • "The Site Safety and Health Plan"
  • "HAZMAT Labeling"
  • "Confined Space Entry"
  • "Personal Protective Equipment"
  • "Medical Surveillance Programs"
  • "Monitoring Procedures and Equipment"
  • "Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures"
  • "Safety Data Sheets in HAZWOPER Environments"
  • "Handling Hazardous Materials"
  • "Work Practices and Engineering Controls"
  • "Respiratory Protection"
  • "Fire Prevention"
  • "Dealing with the Media in Emergency Situations"
  • "Safety Orientation"
  • "Electrical Safety in HAZMAT Environments"
  • "Heat Stress"
  • "Decontamination Procedures"

HAZWOPER: Emergency Response Awareness Series

  • "Understanding HAZWOPER"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"

HAZWOPER: Emergency Response HAZMAT Technician Series

  • "Decontamination Procedures"
  • "Understanding Chemical Hazards"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"
  • "Understanding HAZWOPER"
  • "HAZMAT Labeling"
  • "Personal Protective Equipment"
  • "Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures"
  • "Medical Surveillance Programs"
  • "Safety Data Sheets in HAZWOPER Environments"
  • "Respiratory Protection"
  • "Monitoring Procedures and Equipment"

HAZWOPER: Emergency Response Operations Series

  • "Understanding HAZWOPER"
  • "Personal Protective Equipment"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"
  • "Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures"

HAZWOPER: General Training Series

  • "Decontamination Procedures"
  • "Understanding Chemical Hazards"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"
  • "Understanding HAZWOPER"
  • "HAZMAT Labeling"
  • "Personal Protective Equipment"
  • "Medical Surveillance Programs"
  • "Confined Space Entry"
  • "Monitoring Procedures and Equipment"
  • "Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures"
  • "Handling Hazardous Materials"
  • "Work Practices and Engineering Controls"

HAZWOPER: Supplemental Training Series

  • "Safety Orientation"
  • "Safety Data Sheets in HAZWOPER Environments"
  • "Heat Stress"
  • "Fire Prevention"
  • "The Emergency Response Plan"
  • "The Site Safety and Health Plan"
  • "Dealing with the Media in Emergency Situations"
  • "Electrical Safety in HAZMAT Environments"